Marc Glover has a successful chancery practice, covering the areas of property, trusts, company / insolvency and commercial / business law.
In 2020 Marc was appointed by the Lord Chief Justice as a Deputy Chancery Master of the High Court sitting in the Rolls Building, London.
In 2021 Marc was appointed as a Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) Residential Property and Land Registration Divisions.
Marc Glover has been ranked in the legal guides Chambers & Partners and Legal 500 for a number of years. He is ranked as a leading junior in the Chamber UK Bar Guide 2021 (Real Estate Litigation) and in Legal 500 2021 (Property Litigation, Tier 2).
Marc has developed a sub-specialty in excise & tax, trespass (including boundary disputes and adverse
possession) and land registration, in respect of which Marc has successfully appeared in a number of leading cases.
Marc’s practice is primarily in the High Court. He has appeared in the Court of Appeal on numerous occasions and in the Supreme Court on three cases in recent years.
Marc’s cases often feature in the law reports and leading practitioner texts.
Marc is qualified to accept Direct Access clients.
Real property
Trusts. Adverse possession, boundaries, easements, restrictive covenants and mortgage actions (commercial and residential). Sale agreements (auction and private treaty) including VAT issues; Transfer of a Going Concern).
Landlord & Tenant
Possession actions, unlawful eviction, distress, forfeiture (including Sch B1 Insolvency Act protected cases) and relief, lease renewal, enforcement of covenants (insurance and repair), dilapidations, bailment of tenant’s property, enfranchisement.
Commercial disputes, finance, securities, mortgages & receivership
Contractual disputes, partnership disputes, the supply of good and services, sale and carriage of goods, debt recovery, banking & finance, joint venture agreements, commercial fraud, agency, factoring and restraint of trade, tax and VAT.
Shareholders’ dispute and minority shareholders’ remedies, directors’ duties & disputes, company meetings and resolutions, memoranda and articles of association, dissolution and restoration of companies, shareholders’ agreements, disqualification of directors.
Notable cases
- R (on the application of Eastenders Cash & Carry Plc) v HMRC [2014] UKSC 34; [2014] 2 W.L.R. 1580; [2014] S.T.C. 1741 – Supreme Court Property rights – statutory interpretation – statutory powers to interfere with private property – detention of goods – forfeiture of goods – goods must in fact be “liable to forfeiture”; it is not sufficient that there are reasonable grounds to suspect/believe that goods may be “liable to forfeiture”.
- R (on the application of First Stop Wholesale Ltd) v HMRC [2014] UKSC 34; [2014] 2 W.L.R 1580 – Supreme Court The need for reasons when an agent of the state exercises a statutory power.
- Barnes v The Eastenders Group [2014] UKSC 26; [2014] 2 W.L.R. 1269; [2014] 3 All ER – Supreme Court Receivership Costs – Human Rights – Article 1 First Protocol – Order appointing receiver set aside by the Court of Appeal – It would be a breach of a company’s human rights if it had to meet the remuneration and expenses of the receiver appointed over it – Unjust enrichment – The CPS, as the appointing party, must carry the receiver’s costs.
- Al-Rawas v Hassan Khan & Co [2017] 1 WLR 2301 – Court of Appeal Limitation Act 1980 – counterclaims other than an original set-off or claim after the expiry of applicable limitation periods.
- R (Best) v Land Registry [2015] EWCA Civ 17 – Court of Appeal Adverse Possession of residential buildings – Land registration – Criminalisation of “living in” a residential building, s.144 LASPOA – competiting public policies – benefiting from illegal acts.
- Rashid v Sharif [2014] EWCA Civ 377 – Court of Appeal Boundary dispute – Party wall trespass – injunction requiring demolition of a structure overturned.
- First Stop Wholesale Ltd v HMRC [2013] EWCA Civ 183, LTL & Westlaw – Court of Appeal Detention of Goods – Reasons not required at the time of detention – Reasons ascertained after detention could be relied upon – However, the exercise of the discretion to detain is susceptible to judicial review on public law grounds.
- Brandon V Eastenders Cash & Carry [2012] EWCA Crim 2436; The Times 15th February 2013, [2013] 1 Cr.App.R 24 – Court of Appeal Receivership Costs – Human Rights – Article 1 First Protocol – Order appointing receiver set aside by the Court of Appeal – It would be a breach of a company’s human rights if it had to meet the remuneration and expenses of the receiver appointed over it.
- Eastenders v HMRC [2012] EWCA Civ15, [2012] 1 WLR 2067; [2012] STC 817; LTL 20/1/2012 – Court of Appeal Property rights – statutory interpretation – statutory powers to interfere with private property – detention of goods – forfeiture of goods – goods must in fact be “liable to forfeiture”; it is not sufficient that there are reasonable grounds to suspect/believe that goods may be “liable to forfeiture”.
- Windsor & Oths v The Crown Prosecution Service [2011] EWCA Crim 143, [2011] 1 W.L.R. 1519;[2011] 2 Cr. App. R. 7; [2011] Lloyds’s Rep. F.C.204; LTL 23/2/2011, Times, March 3, 2011 – Court of Appeal Companies – Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 – Restraint & receivership orders against alleged offenders, including directors – Receivership Orders against the director’s company – Minority shareholders’ interests – piercing the corporate veil.
- Stablewood Properties Ltd v Amrit Virdi & Anr [2010] EWCA Civ 865; [2011] W.T.L.R. 723; LTL 28/7/2010 – Court of Appeal Creation of a trust in company shares – settlor the legal owner of all the company shares and the sole director of the company – beneficiary of shares right to control and occupy company property and to control the company – beneficiary seizing occupation of the property and retaining rental income – director meeting company’s mortgage liability – possession claim by the company against the beneficiary – trustee/nominee shareholder’s rights and duties towards a beneficiary where he retains a security in the settled shares – trustee’s separate rights and duties in respect of the company property as a director.
- Graham Huntley & Oths v Simon Armes [2010] EWCA Civ 396, 2010 154 (20) S.J.L.B 37 LTL 11/5/2010 – Court of Appeal Boundary dispute – Application of a conveyance plan – Adverse possession – Limited original boundary features – Conveyance plan boundary displaced by findings that the physical boundary had been laid out in its present position in the 1930s.
- Panayiotou & Oths v Nicolaou [2010] EWCA Civ (The Chancellor, Etherton & Elias LJJ), 14.04.2010 – Court of Appeal Trustee – Possession Claim against a dependant of a beneficiary – TLATA 1996.
- R (on the application of Panesar) v Central Criminal Court [2014] EWHC 2821 (Admin) – Divisional Court Retention of private property unlawfully seized.
- R (on the application of (1) Superbrew (Europe) Ltd & Oths) v (1) Bristol Crown Court Service (2) HMRC [2011] EWHC 1899 (Admin), [2011] S.T.I. 2376, LTL 17/8/2011 – Divisional Court Application to vary a final order.
- CFC 26 Ltd v Brown Shipley & Co Ltd [2017] 1 WLR 4589 (Newey J) – High Court Extended civil restraint orders – 3 totally without merit claims or applications required.
- Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) Ltd v Persons Unknown [2017] EWHC 403 (Ch), LTL 22/1/2018 – High Court Possession and injunction including an exclusion zone – protestors – alternative service by social media – ECHR Art. 8, 10 and 11.
- Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills v Atkar 10/6/16 (Nugee J) – High Court LTL & Westlaw – directors disqualification – stay of execution.
- Pourghazi v Kamyab [2015] EWHC 3635 (Ch) (Birss J) – High Court Committal orders – demonstrably false evidence.
- Brandon Barnes v Eastenders Cash & Carry (Underhill LJ) – High Court Company outgoings during receivership – Human Rights – Article 1 First Protocol – Order appointing receiver set aside by the Court of Appeal – A Receiver had to account to the company for sums he had caused to be paid out to third parties for service provided to the company during the receivership, which would not have been paid “but for” the receivership.
- Deputy Chancery Master
- Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) Residential Property and Land Registration Divisions
- Contributor, Criminal Bar Quarterly, Let the Receiver Beware, Spring Issue (2013)
- Co-author, Rights of last look: A legitimate tool, International Banking & Financial Law (2012)
- Contributor, Service Charges & Management: Law & Practice 2nd Edition (Sweet & Maxwell)
- Contributor, Service Charges & Management: Law & Practice, 1st Edition 2006 (Sweet & Maxwell)
- Contributor, RICS online Insurv Service, Oversailing & Trespass
- Co-author, Just Not Cricket, Solicitors Journal (2009)
- Co-author, What’s your partner up to? Accountancy Age (2010)
- Author, The Great Divide, Solicitors Journal (2010)
- Author, Out of Practice, Solicitors Journal (2010)
- Co-Author, Simple Possession, Butterworths Property Law Newsletter (2010)
- LLM International/European Business Law, University of Lancaster
- LLB Hons, University of Lancaster
- Chancery Bar Association
- Commercial Bar Association
- Property Bar Association
“Marc is an outstanding talent who can grasp complex matters quickly and provide commercial, client-focused advice.” Chambers UK 2025
“Marc has very strong technical expertise combined with an approachable demeanour. He is excellent with clients and provide a sense of calm on critical and complex matters.” Legal 500 2025
“Very competent all round.” Chambers UK 2024
“Marc is very clever.” Chambers UK 2024
“Marc is an all-round top advocate with a fierce intellect and is great on his feet. Highly skilled on both party wall and oversailing matters.” Chambers UK 2023
“A brilliant advocate.” Legal 500 2023
“He is commercial and he keeps that in his mind during the case. His best attribute is that he understands the client’s business.” “He is a born advocate.” Chambers UK 2022
“Marc is extremely sharp and focused and brilliant with clients. I have no hesitation in instructing him on tricky matters. Marc cuts to the important issues quickly providing excellent strategic advice. On his feet he has a heavyweight presence. An all-round magnificent advocate.” Legal 500 2022
“A strong and persuasive advocate who is good at helping clients out of tricky situations. Very hands on and a good team player. He has a measured approach in court that is well received.” Chambers UK 2021
“He will fight tooth and nail when others would run a mile.” Legal 500 2021 (Property Litigation)
“Diligent, tenacious and does a thorough job.” “Very popular with clients.” Chambers UK 2020
“Gives focused, commercial advice and always gets to the crux of a dispute.” Legal 500 2020 (Property Litigation)
“He is a force to be reckoned with.” Chambers UK 2019
“Very strong, knowledgeable and engaging in his areas.” Legal 500 2019