Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, and because our priority is the well-being of our clients and members, the Spring Conference has been cancelled until further notice. We will keep on updating our website and communicate as soon as we can a new date for the conference.
Tanfield Chambers is pleased to announce its 2020 Spring Conference: “Company Law for Property Lawyers”.
The Conference will focus on the many company issues which now permeate the law of real property, as the use of corporate entities for ownership and management purposes becomes ever more prevalent.
The Conference is specifically designed for property litigation solicitors, managing agents, and directors/shareholders of companies in the property sphere.
Topics covered will include:
- Directors’ Duties
- Lifting the corporate veil and other routes to personal liability
- Shareholder Disputes; Unfair Prejudice and Deadlock
- Corporate Insolvency
- Reflective Loss
Presentations will be given by Tim Polli QC, Andrew Butler QC, Nick Isaac QC and Kerry Bretherton QC, amongst other contributors from Tanfield’s highly-ranked Property Team.
Your ticket includes
- A full-day conference
- Breakfast, lunch and coffee
- Post-conference networking drinks
- Delegate pack and further reading
- Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE
- Friday 1st May 2020
- £165.00 + VAT per person
Tickets are now available, please email events@tanfieldchambers.co.uk to book your place.

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