Tanfield invites you to its inaugural Junior Landlord & Tenant Conference, which will take place on 10 October 2014.
The Conference is a perfect opportunity to catch up on and consolidate your knowledge of the law in this specialist area, and to gain some CPD before time runs out on 31 October.
The programme covers both commercial and residential landlord and tenant law. It is designed to cater for junior practitioners of all levels of knowledge and experience. For those breaking into this area of work, there will be introductory workshop sessions.
The more seasoned property litigator will enjoy discussions on matters including recent developments in break clauses and tenant insolvency.
The Conference will be led by barristers from Tanfield Chambers, all of whom specialise in landlord and tenant matters.
- Recent developments in landlord and tenant
- Short residential tenancies
- Repairs and improvements
- Break clauses
- Tenancy deposits
- Business tenancies and the 1954 Act
- Forfeiture
- Charging orders and enforcement
- Commercial service charges
- Tenant insolvency
Your ticket includes
- a full-day conference
- variety of workshop sessions
- breakfast, lunch and coffee
- post-conference networking drinks
- delegate pack
Attendance for the full day entitles you to 5 hours of accredited CPD.
- The Hatton, 51-53 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8HN
- £95 plus VAT.

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